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If you have already decided on the communion dress your little girl will wear, it’s time to look for the accessories to complete the outfit.  Complements are more important than they may seem at first glance. . In fact, they often end up being the stars of the show. You just have to know which ones to choose and which colors and designs to go for. In this article we will show you how to do it.

Accessory ideas to finish off your girl’s communion dress

Sashes, headbands, capes… there are so many resources that sometimes we may not know how to choose the right ones. communion accessories. However,  a good selection of accessories is sometimes as important as the dress itself. . If we are not careful, in an oversight we can spoil the beauty or style of the communion dress. Thanks to the color details or the finishes, we can achieve a personal, different and unique touch without leaving the most classic canons. The small accessories, in addition to completing the dress, will give it that special touch. personality that makes us fall in love with the little girls’ outfits. In fact, many of our customers choose simple communion dresses to give it presence later with complements, making the complements the protagonists of the set.

The problem in the choice of complements to the First Communion dresses is that there is so much to choose from that many times we do not have moderation or we choose accessories that do not match the style of the dress or the tastes of the girls.

Communion bows and sashes

Of course, we would like to start with the most important accessory of a communion dress: the communion bows and sashes. These accessories are a simple option that will give a different touch to your outfit depending on the color or fabric you choose. There are an infinite number of fabrics, laces and ribbons in which to make these bows and sashes. As for colors, if you are looking to soften the presence of the sash, you can choose sober and classic colors such as ivory, gray or cream. However, if you are looking for the sash to have more prominence, do not hesitate to choose bold colors, such as pink, green or blue, which are equally flattering and will give the outfit a touch of originality.


The communion cancan is a very important complement that is sometimes forgotten. As it is not visible to the naked eye, many people do not give it importance. However, almost all the flight of the communion dress is given by the cancan, giving greater beauty to the girl’s dress. In addition to that, thanks to the flight, the cancan gives the girl a lot of room for her legs, and slightly raises the bottom of the dress off the ground. All this makes  the girl can move more freely, and prevents her from tripping over her dress.  At Quémono we bet for light cancanes made of tarlana folds (instead of the traditional hoop cancanes), which is more comfortable as it allows the cancan to mold when the child sits or moves.

Hair accessories

Another major issue when deciding on the final accessories for a communion dress is the hairstyle and the complements with which we can decorate it. As little girls, it is advisable to choose ornaments according to their age and, of course, to the type of haircut they are wearing. Among the options that we can find for the hair, the ones we like the most are tiaras, headdresses, wreaths, and barrettes. In case you need ideas to inspire you when choosing hair accessories, here we leave you all the types of first communion hairstyles that we use.


 Headbands are the most recommended hair accessory for this occasion. . Why? Because it is comfortable for the child, age-appropriate, and easy to style. Many times, this option makes us a little bit backward because we think of the typical simple headbands that are used to go to school. However, there are very original headbands, and perfectly in line with the communion.


If the headbands do not convince us for the occasion, perhaps the headdresses seem a little more appropriate. These hair accessories are a bit more special, since they are not used in the daily life of girls. There are many types of headdresses, and you may not be sure which one to choose. We recommend that you opt for simple headdresses, that do not bother the girls and do not move easily. After all, the girl in the communion will want to play with other children, and the hair accessory cannot bother her at such moments. In this case, we show you some handmade wool pompoms headdresses. Simple, original, and age-appropriate, don’t you think?

Flower crowns

The wreaths of flowers are one of the most eye-catching and trendy accessories for communions. They manage to give the dress a touch that highlights the sweetness of the girls. You can use white flowers that match the dress, or give color to the outfit with flowers in shades of red, pink, green, orange… In addition, the size of the flowers can vary according to the tastes of each one.

Hair clips

If, on the other hand, we want to add a simpler touch to the hairstyle with a semi-updo, the perfect complement will be the hair clips. They are elegant and discreet at the same time, providing a touch of freshness appropriate to the age of the girls. They can be adorned with small flowers or bows that can be combined with the dress or with other accessories.

Some recommendations

Although it may seem obvious, we sometimes overlook it: the first thing we must take into account in order to choosing hair accessories is the hair itself. A girl with long hair will be able to wear almost any type of accessory, while in the case of half manes and short hair we must be more cautious in the choice.

Regarding whether to opt for a headband, a crown, or a barrette, you have to take into account the activity level of the little one. If she is a very restless child with very straight hair, for example, a barrette runs the risk of not staying in place until the end of the day. In these cases, it is best to opt for a crown that can be attached to the hair with bobby pins or a headband that, even if it slips out, can be easily repositioned.

Finally, it is also very important that you make a good choice of colors. If the communion outfit does not have bright colors in other accessories, do not include them in the hair accessories, as this will only draw attention away from the dress.


As we always recommend, the best choice of shoes for children is one that they feel comfortable in, both in terms of taste and comfort for their feet. Girls run and play, so always choose footwear that will keep them from unnecessary chafing.

Regarding the colors of the communion shoes for girls, you can afford to be more daring than with hair accessories. It is recommended that you choose a pair in the same tones and colors as the dress or accessories. However, a touch of color in the shoes adds a touch of originality, without being strident, as they will only briefly peek out from under the skirt.

Coat accessories

Due to the dates when communion is usually celebrated, the dresses we choose for our daughters usually come with short sleeves, half sleeves or with straps. However,  even during the months of May and June  good weather cannot always be guaranteed. At this time of the year, it is necessary to be cautious and think of a possible solution for unforeseen weather conditions, to ensure that the girls do not get cold.


The communion capes son la opción más elegante y menos abrigada. Depending on what the coating is made of, in some cases it may even be purely decorative, for example, in the case of a silk coating. If you are looking for a little warmth, we recommend that you opt for slightly warmer fabrics, such as chiffon or even velvet.

Jackets, boleros and bullfighters

Knitted cardigans are the most traditional option (usually in white or light tones), while the newest boleros and toreras have been making a comeback lately. If to the white dress we add, for example, a bolero in color or in fabrics such as shantung, we can get the girls to go warm, comfortable and with a touch with which they will not lose elegance on such a special day. If, in addition, you choose the bolero in the same color and fabric as the sash, you will have a harmonious ensemble. For the coldest seasons, you can also opt for the communion coats.

Rocio Gutiérrez Ayala

Rocio Gutiérrez Ayala

Mi misión es ayudar a los peques a brillar en su gran día, permitiéndoles ser auténticos respetando sus gustos, opiniones y necesidades. Estudié diseño de moda y dirijo mi propia marca: Quémono

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