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We continue with the countdown to the preparation for First Communion. On this occasion, we would like to dedicate a few lines to talk to you about the photo report of the First Communion we make the children in their costume or communion dress; Although this may not be the most important aspect of the organization to ensure that everything is perfect, it will become more important as time goes by. And it is that the result of the photos of Communion will be one of the strongest future memories of that special day.

Como es nuestra costumbre, nos adentramos en Pinterest para buscar diferentes alternativas de photographic reports for communions. Our preferences are clear, we like to capture and transmit the freshness and childlike candor, and we opt for more informal sessions. However, we want to tell you about the different options you have so that you can choose the one that best suits your style.

This year his First Communion…

Photographic report of the First Communion. Styles

Photos in the studio

The studio photographs for Communions continue to be the most widespread and demanded style year after year, although there are more and more parents who opt for other types of reports. Antaño, the studio photos of Communion consisted of the child posing on a background and carrying a rosary, a small Bible, etc. Nowadays, photographers seek to differentiate themselves and leave their personal stamp on their photos. Therefore, it is possible to find studio reports that include more original elements and seek to capture the naturalness of children.


Country photos

In parks, forests… Country photos are on the rise, because with little effort they manage to portray that air. boho-chic so fashionable in recent years. It is possibly the option that provides the freshest and most lively reports.

Photos at home

In the garden, the living room, posing with siblings and even family pets. This type of photographic report is usually very warm and transmits the family affection that surrounds this great event.

Outdoor photos

Not only the field. Nowadays it is also common to be able to make a photographic report of Communion in emblematic streets, on the beach, in the harbors. This type of photos are much more spontaneous and definitely very original.

Some tips on how to choose a photographer for communions

  • Before hiring anything, ask the professionals to send you a sample of their most characteristic works. If you ask for a style for your photos from a photographer who doesn’t feel comfortable with it, it will show in the result.
  • Let the child talk a little with the photographer and let them take the first photos alone. If the child is first observed by too many eyes, he or she is likely to tense up and the photos will look unnatural.
  • Always quote several professionals and choose the one that fits the costs you can afford and the results you want to achieve.
  • Do not cut children’s hair on the day of the photo shoot. Although nowadays photo retouching fixes everything, in the photos you will see spots on the skin produced by the lack of sun that you never imagined existed.
  • Do not hesitate to include in the photo session a personal detail of the child or a family keepsake that will make the memory much more intimate and personalized. Of course, talk to the photographer first so that he/she can take this into account when visualizing the session.

We hope you liked the ideas we have found to have the perfect photo report. Which is your favorite?

Remember that Quémono! will be with you in the preparation of every detail of this special day. So if you need more information, don’t hesitate to consult also… Where to celebrate it, types and styles of Communion dresses and suits for the little ones, gift ideas, invitations and reminders, hairstyles, how to dress the siblings… Don’t miss it!

Rocio Gutiérrez Ayala

Rocio Gutiérrez Ayala

Mi misión es ayudar a los peques a brillar en su gran día, permitiéndoles ser auténticos respetando sus gustos, opiniones y necesidades. Estudié diseño de moda y dirijo mi propia marca: Quémono

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