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Getting the flower girls to look their best when accompanying the bride on the wedding day is not only a matter of choosing the right perfect wedding dress. Attention to detail is essential on such an important date, and that’s where accessories come into play. The secret to creating unique wedding arras is to choose the right complements and get the most out of them.

What accessories to choose for the flower girls

Dressing a girl for a wedding is especially exciting. The little girls of the house become angelic beings in which every detail of the attire enhances their beauty and childlike freshness. To get the perfect look, you not only have to choose the right ones, but you also have to choose the right ones. dresses that girls wear to weddings and other events. You should also pay close attention to the accessories.

Although accessories are the perfect element to complete any outfit, not everything goes. To make the right choice, you have to take into account the type of wedding you want to celebrate. Both the wedding dress and the accessories have to fit the style of the celebration and the bride and groom. Also, you have to keep in mind that the children at the celebration will want to run and play.  Make it easy with comfortable accessories that don’t get in the way or hinder their movement. .

Let’s not wait any longer! Let’s take a look at the girl’s accessories for ceremony qyou can choose for the arras.

Hair ornaments for flower girls

The hair is one of the fundamental pillars of any wedding ensemble. You can choose, headbands, headdresses, crowns …. or you can even choose a hairstyle without an accessory. Creativity to the power!


Headbands It is an accessory  very comfortable for girls , with which they are very familiar. In addition, they hold their hairstyle well, so you will save yourself a lot of hassle of fixing their hair during the wedding. As you will see, the tiara for the arras is very practical. Don’t worry, nowadays there are very original and customizable headbands that are perfect for such a special occasion as a wedding.

It doesn’t matter if the little ones have long or short hair, with a headband girls will be perfect in their simplicity. The headband can completely remove the hair from the girl’s face or it can let the bangs peek out in front of her. It can be used for a multitude of hairstyles. It is best to buy the headband at the same store you bought the rest of the wedding dress. This way, you can choose it and customize it to match the wedding dress.

You can choose either a flower headband if you prefer a natural touch, or a fabric headband if you want a more harmonious ensemble. You can choose the fabric in linen, velvet, brocade, etc. Ideally, you should choose the same fabric and color as another accessory, or even the dress. De esta manera te será más fácil conseguir un look en el que todo entone.

In terms of form, the ceremonial headbands usually have a design with a characteristic ornament, providing an original touch: headbands with a bow handkerchief type tie, accordion type, knot headband, etc.


 Los tocados son un adorno de pelo con mucha más presencia que las diademas . Specifically, in the flower girls’ headdresses floral and natural motifs are widely used. But you also have other options. For example, the pompom headdresses. They are very original and childish headdresses, so they are very suitable to dress children for this kind of occasions.

As the headdress has such a strong presence in the arras ensemble, you will have to choose it paying special attention to the style of the wedding.


The barrettes are a subtle accessory that adds a classic, simple and elegant touch. If they are small in size, they can add that little subtle detail to a girl’s hair. These accessories can be decorated with flowers and bows.


The crowns have become very fashionable in the weddings in recent years. This type of ceremony accessories for girls, reinforces a romantic style to your look. Made with delicate flowers, they are  perfect to materialize the freshness and naturalness of the little ones of the house. .

If they accompany dresses with a certain bohemian air, such as for example dresses with French sleeves or with long and embroidered skirts, the cflower crowns for flower girls can be a very chic detail. They are perfect to combine with any type of fabric and color, since the variety of flowers is infinite. But there is much more. Although the wreaths are usually made of flowers, you can also find rope wreaths, wicker wreaths…

Hair bows

Bows are a simple decoration that girls are very familiar with. Ideally, the bows should be already made, and have a rubber band or a clip to tie it to the hair. The great thing about bows is that they are very subtle and are very easy to match with the rest of the wedding dress. You can choose tighter loops with more body or narrower loops that allow the fabric to move freely.


Los sombreros de paja son otra opción para los niños de arras que le dará un toque rústico al conjunto. Although less used than headdresses, they are also a complement with great presence. You can decorate them with an infinite number of things, including plants and floral motifs, or even pompoms.


The hoods are the the perfect complement for the youngest flower girls. A hood adds a classic style and vintage to your look, which makes it a very elegant option as a complement for the little ones in the wedding procession. They are usually decorated with flowers, or details made with fabric, such as bows, ruffles, etc.


Bows have always been an ideal adornment for little girls on their dresses. You can place it on the head in headbands, on the side by removing a lock of hair as a barrette or finishing an updo, a braid or a ponytail. Ties are a classic complement for girls in any ceremony look.

Sashes and bows for flower girls dresses

Along with hair accessories, sashes are a basic when it comes to finishing off the girls’ wedding dress. Con este complemento puedes hacer un gran lazo en la espalda de la niña. Just as the hair accessory could be avoided with a good hairstyle, sashes are an almost obligatory complement to any arras outfit.

It is very common to choose the dress sash matching with the hair accessory, or with some details of the dress. To this end,  play with the fabric and color of the sash and discover the potential of this accessory. . On the other hand, depending on whether you prefer to give more or less presence to the bow, you can choose a bolder color (pink, green…), a more subtle color (ivory, white….).

Coat accessories


The layers are a  ideal complement for weddings when it is getting cooler. , as they function as an open coat. Of course, they will be warmer depending on the fabric they are made of. For colder seasons, choose velvet, for the rest in chiffon or linen. Girls can wear hooded capes or capes without hood. Whether it has a hood or not, the cape is a complement that will give the outfit great personality, as it adds an important touch of elegance and color. It looks especially nice if you combine it with the sash of the dress.

Boleros and coats

If you’re not much of a layerer, you can always opt for boleros. This coat, being so short, reveals part of the sash, so it is very common to wear the two accessories together. For very cold days the bolero will be too little for you. For the cold daysthe bolero would be too little for you. Because of its length, when the coat is closed the sash would not be visible. Even so, it is advisable to combine them for the occasions when it is open, and to maintain the harmony of the whole.

Other accessories


Baskets are a very popular extra for arras. A small basket that will carry petals or the bride and groom’s arras will complete the little ones’ style, making them look adorable. They can be made of wicker, linen, organza, with flowers, decorated with tulle, ribbons, round…

Bouquet of flowers

The bouquet of flowers is another complement that is widely used for the little one to carry at the altar with the bride and groom. The flower girls are ideal with a small bouquet of flowers that can match the bride’s bouquet or the bridal bouquet. your wedding dress. If there are several girls, one of them can carry the basket and the other can carry the bouquet of flowers.

Other original accessories

Do you want to surprise your guests? Finally, if you want to give an original and very fresh touch to the wedding procession, you can get a small chalkboard to be carried by the children at the entrance of the ceremony. In it, a funny anecdote may be mentioned or an important reference for the bride and groom may be noted. It will be something fun and something more than one will talk about at the wedding!

Rocio Gutiérrez Ayala

Rocio Gutiérrez Ayala

Mi misión es ayudar a los peques a brillar en su gran día, permitiéndoles ser auténticos respetando sus gustos, opiniones y necesidades. Estudié diseño de moda y dirijo mi propia marca: Quémono

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