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The christening celebration is usually held in the first year of a baby’s life and usually has two main objectives. In the first place, it serves to introduce him as a Christian before God and the Church. In addition, the christening introduces the child to society and celebrates his or her birth with family and friends.

In this article we will focus on the christening gowns.  We will show you the options you have to dress your little one taking into account styles, fabrics, etc. We will also show you options to match the suit with the clothes of his siblings.  It is possible that we have left some details out, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to write to us and we will solve them. After all, we are specialists in christening clothes!

Types of christening gowns according to the child and style of baptism

The choice of the christening gown may depend on several factors, such as whether you want a more traditional or a more modern christening.  The age of the child may also influence this aspect.  The main options you have to dress your child for his or her christening are the following: christening skirts (the most common), baby ceremony dresses (for casual christenings), ceremony clothes (for older children).

An example of a traditional skirt could be the half skirt Sara, silk organza and embroidered skirt.

Christening skirts or gowns

This is the most classic option, and the one used to celebrate most baptisms. These are dresses that can be worn by both boys and girls and can cover them up to their feet or even more, depending on the case. The trend is that the longer the skirt, the more traditional the ensemble. Therefore,  if you are looking for a less traditional touch, the choice will be a half skirt (instead of a full skirt). 

As for the colors, in general, the colors of the christening gowns are white, ochre or ivory. In case they have color, it is usually in the bows or lace and with not very flashy colors such as earth tones or powdered colors (pink, blue or powdered green).

There are several types of christening skirts:

  • Traditional: in this case the christianar costume is a long skirt usually made of organza. As you can see in the photo of the medio faldón Sara, these skirts are decorated with lace or ribbons. This christening gown usually has the accessories (the hood, the sash, and the collar) in white or ivory. On many occasions this costume is passed from generation to generation. The length is usually covering the feet, although it can be customized.
  • Modern: a less traditional option would be to choose a skirt with natural fabricsand give touches of color to the ensemble. These skirts are usually shorter than the previous ones, and may be made in plumeti batiste, satin, ottoman, tulle, cotton, linen, etc. In these Christian costumes lace and bows are also often used as decoration, although less ornate than in the organza skirts. Regarding color, the skirt is usually white or ivory in color, while the accessories can keep the color of the skirt (if you are looking for something simpler) or be used to give a touch of color to the outfit (for more modern options). One option that looks very good is  use the same color or fabric of the accessories, with the color or fabric of her older brother’s pants, or the sash of her older sister’s dress.  You can customize it to your liking!

Both traditional and modern skirts are usually accompanied by a baby christening hood, a snood (also known as panties or diaper covers) and a sash to match. Lastly, keep in mind that the shorter the skirtthe more comfortable it will be for the baby, as it will be more mobile. That is why, for older babies who are beginning to control their movements, we recommend a short skirt or a dress that gives them freedom of movement in their legs.

The Hanna skirt is a little less traditional, as it is made of satin and ottoman instead of organza.

Juliet skirt, made in white linen with crochet lace.

The accessories of the Manuelita baby cut dress can be made to match the clothing of his older brother, in this case with the linen shorts.

Baby cut dresses, jesusines and frog dresses for informal christenings

If you are not convinced by the classic Christian costume, a very interesting option is to dress the child in ceremonial clothes. It is also very elegant clothing, but not as ornate as the skirts. It is also a slightly more common option once the child is over one year old, as they begin to crawl and need a little more mobility. In fact, from the age of two or three, children do not usually wear a skirt.

In case it is a girl,  a good option can also be a baby cut dress.  In this sense, you can choose a ceremony dress for older girls and transform it into a baby cut (shorter and with the beginning of the dress higher). This option usually looks very good on girls.

Another option for these cases is to opt for froggies and jesusines, which are also valid for both boys and girls.

The jesusines are long shirts that are worn with a collar. They will give the baby a lot of mobility, so it will be more comfortable than in a dress. Although the jesusín is not usually complemented with a sash, it is recommended to wear a hood.

The froggies are “bodysuit” type garments, which usually close under the baby’s bottom with automatic buttons. They are very comfortable and a little more casual than the jesusines.

As for the color, if you choose white it will not clash with the classic touch, while if you choose to give color to the jumpsuit or the frog you will get a more modern touch.

Elegant suits for seniors

As we mentioned before, children are usually baptized when they are less than one year old. However, the child can be baptized at any age. For older children, we will not be able to use skirts, jesusines, or froggies. Instead, the most common would be to wear ceremonial clothing. For this case you can use skirts, bloomers, or colored linen shorts. If it is a boy, you can top it off with a bow tie or a vest, it will look very cute.

As you can see, there are many options! Take a look at the christianar costumes and identifies to which group each design belongs. If you still have any doubts, write to us and we will advise you in everything you need, or even make an appointment in our showroom for us to help you in person.

Rocio Gutiérrez Ayala

Rocio Gutiérrez Ayala

Mi misión es ayudar a los peques a brillar en su gran día, permitiéndoles ser auténticos respetando sus gustos, opiniones y necesidades. Estudié diseño de moda y dirijo mi propia marca: Quémono

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