Wedding kids with dress Mara in green

Wedding kids with dress Mara in green

Some lovely wedding kids in water green. Perfect for mid-season weddings.

You can see the price of each product in the set at the bottom of this page

From this table you can access the clothes worn by the girls:

Older Girl

Girl 1

Girl 2

Baby Girl

Mara dress in aqua greenMariela dress in aqua greenDress Mara in aqua greenMar dress in aqua green
Sash of planks in aqua greenSash of planks in aqua greenSash of planks in aqua greenSash of planks in aqua green
Lined headband in aqua greenLined headband in aqua greenNarrow rolled headband in aqua greenDiaper cover in aqua green
Linen headdress in aqua greenWildflower comb in summer colorPia bonnet in white
Leather shoes in greenLeather shoes in greenLeather shoes in greenBaby shoes

From this table you can access the clothes worn by the children:


Baby Boy

Tyrolean shorts in aqua greenTyrolean linen bloomers in aqua green
Lope shirt in whitePeter shirt in white
Leather espadrillesBaby shoes

Esta unidad se fabrica bajo pedido


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