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First Holy Communion costumes for children

Por 1 febrero, 2019septiembre 19th, 2022No hay comentarios

Our philosophy has always been to offer different communion suits, with the best quality in both finishes and fabrics, along with the possibility of customizing the design with the desired fabrics and colors, always looking for the best price, but how to do it with children’s communion suits? It’s not that they have been our great forgotten ones…for them it is also a very special day, but offering what already exists in the market? We were not convinced…

A priori, when we think of children’s communion dresses, the classics come to mind:

All of them very classic, sober… not very open to innovations, and when they have tried to innovate, the result has been strange mixtures, and perhaps too modern.

That is why, after not finding in the market a middle ground for children’s communion dresses, neither too classic nor too modern, and receiving various opinions, requests and ideas from our customers, we have launched a collection of children’s communion, keeping the philosophy of Quémono!

Linen, the star fabric, gives a classic design a more youthful, casual and modern touch, without being exaggerated. We do not forget in our collection of other fabrics equally used ….Earth colors, chocolate, gray and navy, with mao collar shirts or oxford style, both long pants and shorts, mark this new collection of First Communion suits for children.

Endless possibilities this year also for them at Quémono!

Rocio Gutiérrez Ayala

Rocio Gutiérrez Ayala

Mi misión es ayudar a los peques a brillar en su gran día, permitiéndoles ser auténticos respetando sus gustos, opiniones y necesidades. Estudié diseño de moda y dirijo mi propia marca: Quémono

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