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Tips for choosing children’s wedding dresses (PART 2: If you are a mother…)

Por 1 febrero, 2015junio 26th, 2022No hay comentarios

When a wedding is approaching, and you are either the bride or the mother of a child who will carry the arras, you wonder what is the most appropriate thing to wear for the little ones of the house to carry the arras to the bride and groom to the altar.

Today we continue our search for the perfect wedding dress for your baby girl . Although you are much more familiar with looking for clothes for your little ones, you will probably have to face problems such as finding the right size, the wedding dress that the bride of the wedding likes, uneconomical prices…let’s see how we can make your choice of wedding dress easier!!!!

If you are the mother of the children…

Who chooses the children’s wedding dress or pageboys?

Some brides delegate this job to the mothers of the bridesmaids’ children, but the most common thing is that they also participate in the choice of the bridesmaids’ dress, so that they go in tune with the wedding. As a mother, and due to your knowledge of the children’s world, you will have to advise the bride…look for a wedding dress that is comfortable for the children, that you can use in other events, that the fabrics and design are suitable for the little ones and the older ones…help her!

But if it’s your turn to choose them and you’re the mom of the kids, ask the bride and groom. Ask them about the type of wedding they want: serious, informal, in the countryside or in the city, the type of church or ceremony they are going to have… With all this information you can get an idea of the type of wedding dress.

The colors in the wedding dresses

The color that is usually used is white, combined with some other color or pattern. But it is becoming more and more common to use colors such as green, red, blue, beige, brown and floral prints, stripes… to give a different touch to weddings.

The choice of the color of the wedding dresses, It will depend a lot on the place of celebration of the wedding, the colors that the bride can wear in the bouquet, shoes, headdress…

Find different sizes for the arras children

This is one of the most difficult points. In children’s clothing stores/chains it is difficult to find several sizes of the same model or several outfits that match each other. Therefore, the best recommendation is to make the wedding dresses to measure, using the same fabrics in all of them, regardless of the models and sizes chosen.

In Quémono you can find precious fabrics of the highest quality, which you can combine in different ways. models of arras for boys and girls, all at an unbeatable price! We will also advise and help you when choosing the designs depending on the age of the children.

Rocio Gutiérrez Ayala

Rocio Gutiérrez Ayala

Mi misión es ayudar a los peques a brillar en su gran día, permitiéndoles ser auténticos respetando sus gustos, opiniones y necesidades. Estudié diseño de moda y dirijo mi propia marca: Quémono

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