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Tips for choosing wedding dresses for children (PART 1: If you are a bride…)

Por 1 febrero, 2015junio 26th, 2022No hay comentarios

Cuando se acerca una boda, y bien eres la novia, o bien la madre de algún child that will carry the arras, you wonder what is the most appropriate thing to wear for the little ones of the house to carry the arras to the bride and groom to the altar.

Today we begin to give advice to the bride for dressing children for ceremonial wear, as he has usually had less contact with the world of children, and it may be more difficult for him to know that he can fit in as a wedding dress at your wedding.

If you are a bride….

If you are a bride….

You can choose not to wear arras children hasta llevar todos los niños que se desee (dentro de un orden). We recommend carrying arras children since the bride’s entrance to the church is always more spectacular. They also give a tender, close and casual touch to the wedding, since the children will interact during the rite, when they take the offerings to the altar or the arras to the bride and groom. The number of arras children is unlimited, there is no standard. Our recommendation is between 2 and 10 children.

How do I choose the costumes for the bridesmaids?

Don’t complicate things. With all the preparations that you have to make for your wedding day, the wedding dresses are one more preparation that can either complicate or can be easily solved.

The best thing to do is to order a wedding dress in the same place, otherwise you run the risk of having the arras children not matching (or with the same fabrics) or that when you want to buy a size it is not available.

Nowadays, it is not necessary to take all of the niños de arras to a store (which would be crazy!). All you have to do is choose the model and fabrics you like, the colors that best suit your wedding, and measure (chest, waist, hips and height) the children that make up the wedding party. In 2-3 weeks, the wedding dresses are completely made to your liking, and without having to move and try on the children from one place to another.

Which wedding dress design should I choose?

It is best for children and bridesmaids go simple, with natural fabrics, comfortable and above all…gorgeous!

The wedding dresses are usually white with a touch of color. We advise that this touch of color or the same color should be wedding dress have a color related to the wedding. For example, if the wedding is in the countryside, the colors of the arras can be green or toasted, a city wedding can be in blue, red… In addition to the environment, the colors can be in accordance with the time of the year in which the wedding is celebrated, the flowers that the bride will wear, if the bride wears some colorful detail in her wedding dress, etc. hair ornamentsand other complements.

In Quémono you can find precious fabrics of the best quality, which you can combine in different models of children’s arrasall at an unbeatable price! We will also advise and help you when choosing the designs depending on the age of the children.

Other tips for dressing children for arras

  • When you are at the time of the elección de los trajes y vestidos de arras choice of wedding dresses and suitselección de los trajes y vestidos de a, also talks to his parents. Ask them what the little ones like and, above all, the cost they can afford to pay for the clothes.
  • Children are children. It is important that you do not dress them as adults if you want to keep the ceremony fresh. On our website you can find a multitude of alternatives for to achieve unique arras children without renouncing neither freshness nor innocence.
  • Do not choose overdressed dresses or suits. Children should be comfortable. Besides accompanying the bride and groom in their courtship, they will want to run and play during the event. Make sure they are wearing a comfortable footwear, that their clothing does not rub or bother them and that it also allows them good freedom of movement.

If you are looking for a more daring atmosphere for your wedding, don’t hesitate in choosing bright colors for wedding dresses. The little ones in the procession will be ideal and you will be able to bring a fresh and unique air to the ceremony. If you want to know more, here you have a post about how to choose the color of the wedding dress.

Rocio Gutiérrez Ayala

Rocio Gutiérrez Ayala

Mi misión es ayudar a los peques a brillar en su gran día, permitiéndoles ser auténticos respetando sus gustos, opiniones y necesidades. Estudié diseño de moda y dirijo mi propia marca: Quémono

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